Easy breakfasts for guests

Herby fritatta with literally anything you have in the fridge:

herb frit

This is the perfect breakfast/brunch for when your house is choc full of people after a Saturday night. Its naturally gluten free and veggie, and you can easily cook bacon/sausages on the side for any meat freaks. It looks like you’ve gone to more effort than you have as well, which I enjoy! You’ll need 12 x eggs and about a 24 cm tin (this could be round or square or rectangular) The above fritatta was made with some asparagus and spinach, some sauteed onions and potatoes I had left over from the night before, some coriander and a handful of tomatoes. It’s topped with cheddar. The only thing to remember is that the eggs will cook but nothing else will really, so don’t use anything raw that needs to be cooked – like potatoes or asparagus, make sure they’re cooked first. Ideally you’re using whatever is hanging around in the fridge for this and not cooking anything specially – you can pretty much use whatever potato dish you might’ve made the night before as a base. If you do need to cook something separately just defrost some peas with boiling water and throw those in as a base

Line the tin with baking paper & set oven to 180c

Base ideas: left over mash/dauphinoise/boiled pots/ sweet pots/ squash/ peas/ cooked beetroot

Add any vegetable you have – I had some tomatoes, kale and asparagus

Top with cheese – I am yet to find a cheese that doesn’t work well here! From cream cheese to parmesan to blue, melted cheese is the best

Lightly whisk 12 x eggs with a splash of milk, mix in any herbs or greenery you like and pour over base. Cook until golden and anywhere from runny in the middle to set depending on your taste and your eggs! I’m a bit weird about eggs at the mo so I give mine about 30-40 mins to cook thoroughly, by which time everyone will smell the cheese and emerge into the kitchen and you’ll get that lovely ‘yes I am just like Nigella’ moment as you take something delicious out the oven (to be fair I’ve asked around and its only ever me thinking this, but hey, thats good enough)